Charlene Ehlers went to be with the Lord Wednesday, January 4, 2023
Charlene Ehlers (04/24/1940-01/04/2023)-, wife to Rev. Allen Ehlers and mother to Timothy, Robert, Sherrel, and Esther — passed away early in the morning with s smile on her face saying she wanted to go be with Jesus. She was born to missionary parents who took her to the mission field in Japan where she met Allen, they married and soon followed the Lord’s leading to be missionaries in Mexico. After many hardships and blessings, she and Allen discovered that to give their lives in service to leading others to Christ and discipling young men, women and children was what they were born for. Charlene (Mama Carlota) has loved and nurtured many thousands of people and served with joy as many have turned to Jesus as Saviour. In her later years, she battled with health problems and left her earthly body at the age of 82. We will miss her but know that she is in Paradise in the arms of the Father. Funeral services will be at the Sunset Funeral Home 2:00 pm on Saturday, January 7th.

Welcome to Faith Mission International, a ministry of love and serving to the poor and needy in Mexico for over 50 years.
Come visit and minister the Gospel to the poor and those without Christ as a short-term experience.
- Take a short-term mission trip into Acuna Mexico with a Guide and return every night to the USA.
- Stay in the USA and minister to the poor coming from Mexico to the Faith Mission center.
- Have your couples, youth or leadership retreat at our facilities that house up to 85 people.
- Bring groups from 10 or more to enjoy God’s refreshing in the Holy Spirit.

Mexico mission trips, short term mission trips for Christian Church groups looking to experience God by serving the poor and needy in Mexico. We receive Church Groups only with a minimum of 10 and maximum of 50 people.
Would you like to do short term mission trips, Mexico mission trips?
Consider a visit to Faith Mission International five minutes from the US Mexico Border. We are believing God for people like you to come and make a difference. We receive Christian Church groups coming to minister in Mexico for short term. We provide safe air conditioned housing, a bed, kitchen service and a guide to Mexico. You provide your transportation, your food and cooking and $20 USD per day per person for utilities and maintenance. God provides a heart opening time of ministry and missions to a very poor nation.
Faith Mission International is located in Del Rio, Texas, on the border across from Acuña Mexico. We are a mufti-faceted ministry based on evangelism, discipleship, leadership training, planting new works, forming and working in teams, presenting the gospel of love, power and God’s manifest presence. We believe God has a plan and purpose for every person including you during short term mission trips.